Trigger Zone
is an Entity Component
Last updated
is an Entity Component
Last updated
Trigger Zones act very similarly to Colliders, in that they track whether something has made contact with them. However, Colliders are generally more precise: while a player or entity has to physically touch the Collider object itself, a Trigger Zone has a much larger surface area that it can track movement in.
A very basic example is a danger zone: a player can avoid touching a Collider and not set off any traps, but if a player enters a Trigger Zone, as long as they are inside its range, the traps will be going off or damaging their health.
Enabled - is the Trigger Zone trying to detect players or other objects?
Trigger on every instance - does it activate a link every time the zone is entered, or only once?
Size - dictates the range of the zone
Can be as long, thin, wide, tall, shallow as you need it to be
Position - dictates where the zone lies in relation to the entity it is assigned
Some trigger zones can be directly centred around an object
Others can be way away from the object it's attached to
Rotation - dictates the angle at which the zone lies
Detect players - does the zone activate when a player enters/exits it?
Detect voxels - does the zone activate when another entity enters/exits it?
Safe/danger zones - in here, you can't take damage (or take lots of damage)
Saving checkpoints - once a player has entered this area, it can be saved as a new checkpoint for respawning with a Spawn Point attached
Event activators - once a player has entered, it triggers a link for something new to happen