a.k.a placing a Trigger Zone, and creating your first Link
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a.k.a placing a Trigger Zone, and creating your first Link
Last updated
But what’s the problem with spawning anywhere? The water doesn’t kill me. Not yet it doesn’t — but we can fix that. Let’s make a kill plane; think of it as The Floor Is Lava 🔗
Creating a kill-plane is easy, we just need to add one more layer to the component; a link.
Linking is basically like the game’s thought process — if X happens, then I respond with Y.
You can add as many links to things as you want, to make all kinds of cool stuff happen, but for now let’s stick to one.
To kill-plane the water, you can select any entity that touches it — for this tutorial, we’ve just put some floating rubble. Add the ‘Trigger Zone’ component to it, which should make a bright pink box appear around it. Mess around with the size of the box to make sure it covers the whole level — 200 will usually do it. You now have a trigger zone 🗺️
Next go to Linking Mode in the top toolbar, and an orange box will now appear on the entity. Click the orange + and this will bring up a list of possible responses that the game can make, according to what components you have attached to the entity. For Trigger Zone, the only options are for entering (or touching) and leaving the zone.
Select ‘Entered trigger zone,’ which will add to your cursor what looks like rope. This is the link itself, which we use to connect objects and actions. For this example, we want to click on the Players icon (what looks like a little orange person) in the top toolbar, and select ‘Respawn.’ We must also decide who should respawn, so we pick ‘Triggering player’ so that only the person who fell in the water is respawned 🌊
With that link done, our kill-plane is set up and ready to kill! Finally, lower the whole entity on the Z axis (straight down) so the pink box is only just visible above the water. This is so you don’t get killed if you go down a slope in the level that is the same height as the plane.
You can also lower the trigger zone box without changing the position of the entity itself with the Position (m) settings in the components menu. For straight up or down, the Z axis is your guy!